SUNY Broome Hot Work permit procedure
FC3501.1 Scope. Welding, cutting, open torches and other hot work operations and equipment shall comply with this chapter.
Procedure Statement
All Hot Work performed on property and/or in buildings and facilities owned, rented, leased, or maintained by the College, which are occupied during a significant renovation, repair or maintenance activity will require a hot work permit. For the purposes of this process the term occupied is defined as “the presence of one or more persons”.
HOT WORK. Operations including cutting, welding, Thermit welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, thermal spraying, thawing pipe, installation of torch-applied roof systems or any other similar activity.
HOT WORK AREA. The area exposed to sparks, hot slag, radiant heat, or convective heat as a result of the hot work.
HOT WORK EQUIPMENT. Electric or gas welding or cutting equipment used for hot work.
HOT WORK PERMITS. Permits issued by the responsible person at the facility under the hot work permit program permitting welding or other hot work to be done in locations referred to in Section FC3503.3 and pre-permitted by the fire code official.
HOT WORK PROGRAM. A permitted program, carried out by approved facilities-designated personnel, allowing them to oversee and issue permits for hot work conducted by their personnel or at their facility. The intent is to have trained, on-site, responsible personnel ensure that required hot work safety measures are taken to prevent fires and fire spread.
FC3503.6 Signage. Visible hazard identification signs shall be provided where required by Chapter FC50. Where the hot work area is open to persons other than the operator of the hot work equipment, conspicuous signs shall be posted to warn others before they enter the hot work area. Such signs shall display the following warning:
OSHA 1910.119(k)
Hot work permit.
The permit shall document that the fire prevention and protection requirements in 29 CFR 1910.252(a) have been implemented prior to beginning the hot work operations; it shall indicate the date(s) authorized for hot work; and identify the object on which hot work is to be performed. The permit shall be kept on file until completion of the hot work operations.
Hot Work Requirements
A permit is required when any form of Hot Work is to be done. The permit is to be completed prior to the start of the work and is valid for 8 hours. A permit will be issued by the Office of Public Safety. Contact 607-778-5083 or come to the office.
All permits are issued or renewed to the requestor in person after a review of the location of the Hot Work and verification this process has been read and understood.
Requestor is responsible for preparing the work area daily according to the permit requirements prior to allowing any Hot Work. All areas for which a Hot Work permit is to be issued must be checked for combustible materials, flammable load, floor/wall penetrations, and fire alarm accessibility prior to the start of every Hot Work project, as well as for compliance with all requirements of the permit.
The requestor shall monitor the area (fire watch) for fire safe working conditions and provide a minimum of one portable fire extinguisher with a minimum 2-A:20-B:C rating shall be readily accessible within 30 feet.
An additional person to act as a Fire Watch shall be available if conditions warrant. Factors to consider are the spread of ignition sources such as sparks and slag.
* The discharge of any fire extinguisher shall be reported to the Office of Public Safety.
Hot Work is restricted as follows:
Hot Work is not allowed in:
- Areas where flammable vapors may be present within a minimum 50′ radius.
- The immediate vicinity of any pipe line, valve, fitting, vessel, or equipment that contains or has contained a flammable or combustible liquid or gas without approval from the Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator or their designee.
- Areas where, when a gas meter test is done, the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) reading is above 10% LEL.
- A confined space without approval from the Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator or their designee.
Floor openings or drains must be adequately covered to prevent slag or sparks from falling to the area below or entering drains. In the case of the work being performed in an elevated area, the area below shall be barricaded.
In areas where heavy dust may be present, the dust accumulation must be cleaned prior to the start of work.
When both the requestor and approved signatory are satisfied with the precautionary measures, the permit will be issued.
The signed permit shall be posted on the job site at all times by personnel doing the work.
When the work is completed, the area shall be returned to normal condition.
The requestor shall check the area for fire, up to 30 minutes after work has been completed for the day. Public Safety shall be contacted so an officer can check the area and collect the permit.
Any unusual incidents that occur shall be noted on the back of the permit and reported to the Office of Public Safety 607-778-5083 for a follow-up investigation.
Permits shall be maintained for 48 hours following expiration
Is a Hot Work Permit required by code?
Yes. The State Fire Prevention Code and OSHA require a permit system for Hot Work.
Is complying with Code the only reason for having a Hot Work permit system?
No. While it is important to comply with the Code, a Hot Work permit system helps the College maintain control of Hot Work operations to avoid injuries and losses from fires. Due to the hazardous nature of all types of Hot Work operations, millions of dollars in damage occur each year around the country. A Hot Work permit system provides the following advantages: 1) workers are reminded of required safety precautions and responsibilities; 2) smoke detectors can be temporarily bypassed to avoid false alarms; 3) the fire department MAY BE notified in order to help them assess an incident in locations where Hot Work is being performed
Do contractors need Hot Work permits?
Yes. All contractors are required to follow the SUNY Broome Hot Work Policy and Permit process. Facilities Management / Facilities Planning and Construction staff will ensure that contractors are informed of and follow SUNY Broome’s Hot Work Policy.
Do Faculties/Maintenance employees need Hot Work permits?
Yes. All Faculties/Maintenance employees are required to follow the SUNY Broome Hot Work Policy and Permit process.
Is a Hot Work Permit required for outdoor Hot Work?
Yes. The Fire Code makes no distinction between indoor and outdoor Hot Work.
Is a Hot Work permit needed in a maintenance shop?
Yes. A permit is required in any area where Hot Work is performed, regardless of frequency.
Who is responsible for assuring that Hot Work is done in a safe manner and that all precautions have been taken?
Trained workers are responsible for the safety of the Hot Work operation. They must have a properly issued Hot Work Permit for any Hot Work. However, everyone involved in the operation is important when it comes to doing the work safely. The Office of Public Safety 607-778-5083, will provide assistance on safety issues and should be contacted when needed.
Who Checks To See If the Hot Work Requirements Are Met?
The contractor or sub-contractor/trade performing Hot Work is ultimately responsible for conducting their Hot Work activities in a sound, fire-safe manner and following the precautions outlined on the Hot Work permit. However, Facilities Management, Facilities Planning and Construction, and the Office of Public Safety may periodically check the work and job site to verify that the contractor is carrying out the requirements of the Hot Work permit.
Maintenance supervisors are responsible to verify that work is being carried out as prescribed on the permit.
SUNY Broome Facilities supervisors are responsible to verify that work provided by facilities is being carried out as prescribed on the permit.
Does my personal liability increase when I sign a Hot Work Permit?
No. Following established College policies reduces personal liability, unless it is proven that an employee acted with intent to cause damage or harm. Not following the Hot Work Policy and Permit process is a violation of SUNY Broome policy and is subject to disciplinary action.
Why does a Fire Watch have to remain on the job site for 30 minutes after the completion of Hot Work?
Most fires associated with Hot Work occur after the work has been completed. A spark that landed in an unnoticed location may smolder. It takes time for the fire to grow to a point where flame and smoke are visible. By that point the workers may have left the site.
Hot Work Attestation Form
Anyone that plans on doing Hot Work must acknowledge they have read the requirements.