Location: Titchener Hall, Room 210
Phone: 607-778-5021
Fax: 607-778-5394
Faculty and Staff
Bacon, Katherine M. - Adjunct Instructor
Christian, Amelia D. - Adjunct Instructor
Clark, Karen E. - Adjunct Instructor
Coyne, Christopher T. - Adjunct Instructor
Dawe, Brenda M. - Associate Professor/Chairperson of Music and Theater Arts/Coordinator of Music
Duerr, Luisa - Adjunct
Easley, Jennifer K. - Adjunct Instructor
Elder, Laurence E. - Adjunct Instructor
Godoy, Tony - Adjunct Instructor
Mach-Holt, Daniel M. - Adjunct Instructor
Masteller Warren, Brett - Assistant Professor
McAuley, Jeff C. - Adjunct Instructor
Messing, Randolph E. - Accompanist/Adjunct Instructor
Miller, Albert Daniel - Adjunct Instructor
Mueller, Bruce (Burt) P. - Adjunct Instructor
O’Connell, Julia R. - Adjunct Instructor
Reitz, Margaret A. - Adjunct Instructor
Roma, Joseph A. - Adjunct Instructor
Sicilian, Peter J. - Adjunct Instructor
Silverberg, Carol E. - Adjunct Instructor
Sperber, Jeanne E. - Adjunct Instructor
Sullivan, Cheryl L. - Office Manager/Secretary to the Associate Vice President and Dean of Liberal Arts
Sweeny, Paul M. - FT Adjunct Instructor
Tyneway, Brian T. - Technical Assistant 1A (H)
Worden, Heather J. - Adjunct Instructor