In an effort to make the digital sign system as uncluttered, clear and engaging as possible, the following is MarCom’s process regarding this advertising channel. These guidelines apply both to the internal digital signs and the large digital sign on Front Street.
Front Street Digital Signs
The Front Street digital sign system is primarily reserved for off-campus marketing and enrollment messages. All digital signs on this platform must be directly approved by MarCom’s director, Kerry Gallagher.
Internal Digital Signs
You can submit a Graphics Design Request Form to request the creation of a digital sign graphic. As requests come in for internal advertisement, the MarCom team will decide if the event or activity warrants a digital sign. We look at criteria such as:
- Content
- Is the event/activity appropriate for a digital sign?
- Is the event/activity focused towards current students?
- Timing
- Is there enough time to create and publish the digital sign?
- Will the digital sign be up for a long enough period to make a difference in event attendance?
- Wording
- Is the event/activity description, by its nature, too hard to encapsulate in a few sentences and thereby unable to be read by the audience during a typical sign display time?
- Current Playlist Loading Time
- Are there too many signs up at the current time?
- Will this sign be repeated enough times to make an impact, or will it not reach any meaningful level of frequency (thus, being ineffective)?
If these criteria are met, MarCom will attempt to simplify the content to maximize readability and audience comprehension and create your digital sign graphic. A Web Edit Request Form can be submitted to add the sign to the digital sign system.
- MarCom will be happy to offer suggestions for alternative marketing strategies if a digital sign is not appropriate for your event or activity.
- It should be rare that a digital sign remains up on the internal digital sign system for more than one week. Keeping within this time frame allows the content to not grow stale and for more digital signs to be added into rotation.