What is the Writing Center?
The Writing Center is a free service dedicated to helping students become more active learners and promoting critical literacy across the campus community. We can help students in any course, regardless of their level of experience, expertise or confidence as writers.
Who can use the Writing Center?
Any student, faculty member, or other member of the campus community can use the Writing Center.
How do I set up an appointment?
Call 607-778-5632 or stop by in person to make an appointment.
Where is the Writing Center located?
We’re on the Ground Floor of the Library building, in room L-012.
How will using the Writing Center help me?
Our professional tutors work with you one-on-one to address your individual needs with writing. We can assist you with any stage of the writing process such as brainstorming, drafting, organization, and citation.
What can I expect from a tutorial?
We will talk with you about your assignment and the concerns you have about your writing. We will not lecture to you or do any of the work for you. Our goal is to guide you toward communicating effectively. Tutorials typically last 30 minutes. You and your tutor will only be able to address a couple questions in one half-hour session, so we encourage you to make several appointments for one assignment. Plan ahead!
How should I prepare for a session?
You should bring your textbook, handouts on the assignment, written feedback from your instructor, any drafts or writing that you’ve done for the assignment, and specific questions you would like to discuss with your tutor.
Does the Writing Center do online tutoring?
The Writing Center offers online tutoring for students who cannot make in-person appointments. Learn more about online tutoring.