The Writing Center’s professional tutors are eager to help students in any course, regardless of their level of expertise or confidence as writers. Please do not think of us as a last resort for a few students; all writers from inexperienced to experienced benefit from working with our skilled tutors. We help writers in many subjects, including Biology, Criminal Justice, Economics, English, History, Mathematics, Psychology, Education, Dental Hygiene, Medical Assistant, to name a few. In addition, we assist with resumes, college application essays, or letters.
In tutorial sessions, tutors talk with students about their writing; we ask questions that help writers see their texts through the audience’s eyes and encourage them to explore options for drafting and revising their texts. Students often seek help with thesis statements, organization, development, citation of sources, proofreading strategies, and many more concerns. We do not directly address gaps in a student’s course content knowledge, although we may help the student understand language they find challenging.
Writing Center tutors work by appointment with students individually or in small groups (tutors facilitate these group sessions of 2-3 students). To schedule appointments, students can come to L-012, call (607-778-5632), or e-mail us at We offer students synchronous video-chat sessions or asynchronous e-mail exchanges.
Please encourage your students to use our services regularly and remind students to make appointments well before the paper is due. Too often, students try to make appointments at the very last minute (on the day that an assignment is due, for instance!) which sets them up for a disappointing experience. Students benefit from Writing Center consultations when they allow time for revision after they meet with tutors.
You can help the Writing Center staff help your students by sending us copies of your syllabus, assignments, grading criteria for writing, and samples of model papers. The more we understand your writing assignments, the better we can help your students. Also consider scheduling a Writing Center staff member’s visit to your classes early in the semester. The professional tutors can tailor their visits to your specific needs.
For more information:
Michael Grubb
607-778-5363 (or Broome extension 5363)
If you, as an instructor, would like to discuss the design of your own writing assignments, the Writing Center would be happy to accommodate you. Contact Michael Grubb to make such arrangements.