Foreign and Domestic Travel Opportunities
SUNY Broome is committed to providing diverse learning opportunities and internationalizing our campus. Through our variety of travel courses, we offer short-term programs that allow students to gain unique experiences both domestically and abroad. Additional opportunities are available as well, including: full semester study abroad programs that are available to all SUNY Broome students through our partner institutions.
Our Faculty Led Programs are offered during the fall, winter, spring, and summer semesters.
Please note: Faculty Led Programs and related opportunities may change and evolve in response to the travel safety measures both domestically and internationally.
Upcoming Travel Experiences/Courses
Please check back for updates on upcoming Travel Experiences/Courses
Past Abroad Learning Experiences:
- Spring 2024: LIT 275 – London and Literature
- Spring 2024: HST 105 – Global Health in Ireland
- Summer 2024: EAS 213: Geoscience Field Experience in Iceland
- Spring 2023: ANT 288 – Storytelling & Heritage
- Spring 2023: HST 105 – Global Health in Ireland
- Spring 2023: LIT 277 – Introduction to Irish Literature
- Spring 2023: LIT 275 – London and Literature
- Summer 2023: EAS 213 – Geoscience Field Experience in Iceland
- Health for Haiti: Service Learning (Health Sciences)
- Neuroscience & Evolution: London, England (Biology/Environmental Science)
Past Domestic Experiences:
- The Everglades: Florida (Ecology, Biology)
- Oceanography: South Carolina (Physical Science)
- Ecology of the National Parks: Camping at parks: Glacier, Yellowstone, Tetons, Wind Cave, and Badlands (Biology)