How to recognize when your student may need counseling
- Seems anxious, constantly tearful, or “stressed out”.
- Has interpersonal difficulties/relationship problems.
- Has experienced some recent or past trauma (i.e.- sexual assault, death of friend/family member) that is interfering with his/her ability to function in an academic or social environment.
- Exhibits odd, peculiar, or bizarre behavior.
- Loses interest in her or his personal appearance.
- Is more irritable or moody.
- Has little motivation for academic/social/occupational pursuits, appears depressed or withdrawn.
- References to suicide or self-harm.
- Says things that reflect low self-worth or lack of hope.
- Significant changes in weight.
What can I do if I am concerned about my student?
- Communicate directly
- Express your support
- Try not to jump straight into problem solving mode
- Be a supportive listener; listen to their concerns fully
- Suggest campus resources
- Refer to our website for information
- Contact us to consult
Communicate your concern directly and be specific about the statements/behaviors that have you concerned. When possible avoid making generalizations. Let your student know you are there to comfort and assist. Try not to lecture, problem solve until they have fully expressed what is going on with them. Listening is often the best thing you can do for someone who is experiencing emotional distress. Sometimes it is enough just to give them an opportunity to talk about their feelings but if it’s not encourage them to look at the personal counseling web site for information on services and to see other online resources. We are more than happy to talk to you about what services we may be able to provide as well as services your student may find helpful in the community.
What kind of counseling services do the personal counselors provide?
Counseling provides individual, group, consultative, and referral services for students. Individual counseling is short-term and time limited. Students who require ongoing long-term, individual therapy typically make arrangements to see therapists in the community. Counseling Services can provide a list of possible referrals/options. Counseling Services offers psycho-educational and personal growth groups and workshops throughout the year, as well as wellness programming.
Counseling Services does not operate on a waiting list. All students who present for services are screened and triaged. Typically students are seen within one week to ten days from the date they call to make an appointment. However, if it appears to be an emergency or crisis situation, professional staff will make arrangements to meet with the student sooner.
How can I help my student find a therapist in the community?
For some students it may be most appropriate for them to receive therapy services in the community. For those who will be best served seeing a therapist in the community, Counseling Services maintains a provider list a number of mental health care professionals in the more immediate area. We are able to provide this list to students.
My child has been receiving psychiatric services at home and needs to continue to get medication. Do you provide psychiatric services and how can he/she/they make an appointment?
Unfortunately we do not have psychiatric services at SUNY Broome. If your student has been receiving psychiatric services and is need of continued services keeping the relationship they already have established with a psychiatrist would be advantageous.