Counseling Services is located in the Science Building Room 102.
To make an appointment, students may call 607-778-5210, stop In to the Science Building Room 102, or visit the Counseling Services website and click on the “Make an Appointment” button.
Counselors are available during the academic year by appointment Monday through Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Summer Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Students may be seen in a variety of ways depending on their level of mental health issues and need. Counseling Services offers in person, phone and virtual sessions through Zoom. Students will be screened for the appropriate level of service delivery. Appointments are usually scheduled within 10 days of inquiry. This may vary depending on staffing patterns and time of the semester. All efforts will be made to accommodate the student.
Walk-ins are also available when counselors are not booked with scheduled students. Walk-in Counseling can assist students with the most basic information and assistance relating to our professional expertise and may result in a follow-up appointment for further Counseling. Walk in appointments are typically shorter in length and intensity of situation. During walk-in hours, and for all Counseling interactions, crisis situations take precedence over all other activity.
To schedule an appointment, call 607-778-5210, e-mail, or go to and click on the “Make an Appointment” button to initiate the appointment process.
Referrals are sometimes made to appropriate community agencies