Welcome to the FALL 2024 semester!
Your success is important to us! Drop into any and all sessions attached to your course and instructor. SI leader tutors are ready to support you!
SI (Supplemental Instruction) Schedule Fall 2024 SI schedule
SI for Professor Kelly BIO 1o2 with SI Leader Grace
M,W, F 10-11 in L 215D
T 1-2 in L 215D
SI for Professor Hollister BIO 131 Anatomy & Physiology with SI Leader Cam
T 11-12 in L 215D
W 3-5 in 215D
T & TH 5-6 in NSC
SI for Professor Glenn BIO 131 Anatomy and Physiology with SI leader Debbie
M 5-6 online
T 2-3 online
W 6-7 online
SI for Professor O’Donnell BIO 131 Anatomy and Physiology with SI Leader John
M, W, F 2-3 in L215D
SI for Professor Kelly BIO 132 Anatomy and Physiology with SI Leader Nephtalie
M, W, F 11-12 in L 215D
T & TH 5-6 in NSC
SI for Professor O’Donnell BIO 150 Microbiology online with SI Leader Kate
SI for Professor Altman PSY 110 with SI Leader Kavida
T 10-1 in L 215D
Th 9-1 in L 215D
Any questions or concerns, please email Loreta at paniccialm@sunybroome.edu.
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a learning enhancement program originally developed at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. The program has been adopted at over 100 institutions of higher education as a method of improving student learning. SI targets high-risk courses instead of high-risk students and offers assistance on an outreach basis in regularly scheduled, out of class sessions.
Through this program, a student who has received a high grade in a targeted course undergoes SI training and then re-attends the course to model effective student practices and attitudes: attending every class meeting, taking notes, reading all assigned materials, and asking appropriate questions. The SI Leader schedules and conducts at least three group meetings a week at times convenient to members of the class. During the sessions, the SI Leaders facilitate students’ discussion and understanding of course information by using interactive learning strategies that encourage involvement, comprehension, synthesis, cognitive monitoring, and higher order reasoning skills. The raw material for SI sessions is the content of lectures and course-assigned reading materials. It is important to note that SI Leaders are not mini-lecturers and do not re-teach the material; instead, they are model students of the subject.
Students attend SI on a voluntary basis and may attend as many times during the term as they wish. Generally, it is best if students attend at least once a week. Our data shows that students who attend SI earn, on the average, one half-letter grade higher than students who do not attend. These results replicate data gathered during the development of the program at UMKC.
SUNY Broome Community College is proud to offer Supplemental Instruction to its students for over 30 years! For general information or questions about the SUNY Broome SI Program, please contact Loreta Paniccia at 607-778-5162 or paniccialm@sunybroome.edu.