Every registered student receives a SUNY Broome email account. A sample student SUNY Broome email address is publicj999@acad.sunybroome.edu.
Students may access their email at gmail.com.
Your Email username will be the same as your MyCollege username + @acad.sunybroome.edu.
Your Email password will be the same password as your initial MyCollege password except there is a “BCC” in front of the password.
For example:
If your password in MyCollege is ilovebroome,
then your Email password would be BCCilovebroome
Look up your initial email password
Note: Your MyCollege password does not automatically synchronize with your Email password.
Changing your MyCollege password will not automatically change your email password and vice-versa.
For convenience you can make your MyCollege password and your email password the same.
- Change your MyCollege password on a campus computer. To change your MyCollege password log on to a campus computer and press the Ctrl-Alt-Del buttons at the same time. Select “Change a password”. Make your password at least eight characters long.
- Change your Email password by logging on to gmail.com, select settings, select accounts, select Google account settings, finally select, changing your password. Use the same password you used for MyCollege.
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