- To present concepts, facts and entry-level skills as mandated appropriate for the physical therapist assistant by the APTA starting with the very basic ideas and progressing to the more complex levels of application in order to achieve professional certification.
- To be responsive to student retention and attrition rates.
- Provide learning experiences that meet the needs of students and effectively assist graduates in meeting their educational, professional, and related personal goals.
- Provide learning experiences that encourage student engagement in lifelong learning experiences.
- To graduate competent practitioners who are able to integrate the skills and procedures learned in all of their coursework including English, humanities etc. to meet the diverse needs of employers in healthcare institutions and related organizations.
- Provide a sufficient number of healthcare graduates to meet the employment needs of healthcare organizations in their communities, and assist graduates to have adequate opportunities for employment in fields related to their program of study.
- To encourage students to achieve and maintain a desirable level of professionalism.