Would you like to post a job or internship opportunity with us?
hireHornets, powered by College Central Network, is SUNY Broome’s main student job posting site where you can register as a new employer, post opportunities, and recruit SUNY Broome students and alumni all in one place! If you need assistance navigating hireHornets, please reach out to Career Services by e-mailing careercenter@sunybroome.edu.
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On-Campus Recruiting
During the fall and spring semesters employers are encouraged to visit campus in a variety of ways in order to connect with and recruit our students. Contact Career Services today to:
- Schedule an employer information session
- Set up an information table in the Student Center
- Complete our Employer Tabling Request form to begin this process
- Schedule on-campus interviews
Student Employment Resources
For Students
Career Readiness Competencies (pdf)
Utilize this worksheet to reflect on your career competencies, where you currently excel and where you would like to grow! These are great things to consider when searching for a position. (For example, if you would like to experience learning better professional communication skills, seek out a position that will give you that experience).
Resume Example (pdf)
Preparing your resume can be extremely helpful when looking for any position, including one on-campus! The link above is to a resource example of a great resume.
For Student Employee Supervisors
Hiring Resources
- Effective Job Posting (pdf)
A successful student employee begins with a well-written job posting! This ensures your expectations are clear and your student understands what their role is within your office. It can also help to communicate transferable skills your student will develop within their role. - Interviewing Students (pdf)
When interviewing student employees, it is important to carefully consider the questions. This resource helps review the uniqueness of interviewing a student and how to effectively pick the best fit for the role. - Interview Questions (pdf)
A PDF sheet you can print to fill out during a student employee interview with interview questions specifically designed for student employees. - Paperwork Checklist (pdf)
There are several different forms that need to be completed before your student can legally begin working. Reference this checklist and ensure your student employee brings in necessary materials to start working.
Effective On-Boarding
- Developing Department Specific Training (pdf)
Providing students with effective on-boarding so they know what to expect, have a plan to train, and have an understanding of the expectations of their role is the first impression they will have of their position. This is critical to prepare for. - On-Boarding Guide (pdf)
This comprehensive guide from LinkedIn overviews the best practices for on-boarding employees. Please treat your student employees with the same respect!
Student Employee Projects
- Managing Down-Time (pdf)
What do your student employees do when they have down-time in their role? We have a guide of suggested activities, books to read, and ways to develop meaningful experiences for students - Learning Outcomes (pdf)
What is your student employee interested in learning? What skills would you like to ensure they gain from the experience? It might be helpful to create learning outcomes together to establish goals
Providing Feedback
- Supervising Students Effectively (pdf)
A big part of supervising students effectively is regular feedback, positive and constructive. This resources reviews key aspects of supervision to incorporate into your practice as well as Student Development Theory considerations for where students currently are in their personal/professional development. - Accountability Conversations (pdf)
Having difficult conversations will not only increase student productivity and professionalism, but also help them learn what is and isn’t acceptable in a work environment. This resources reviews methods for addressing common student employee conflicts as well as the BEAR method of delivering feedback.
Student Evaluations
- Semester Evaluation Timeline (png image)
Alongside setting expectations, formal evaluations that allow students time to reflect on their skills and what else they’d like to work on are critical in effective supervising. Evaluations should be done mid-semester to allow students time to improve on skills and alter behavior. Feedback and recognition should occur on the spot as supervisors observe behavior. - Step-By-Step Evaluation (pdf)
Ensuring you are providing valuable feedback, asking the right questions, and supporting your student employees can help them develop and be more career ready and also help them perform at a higher level within their role as a student employee. - Evaluation Worksheet (pdf)
Based on the NACE Career Readiness Competencies, this evaluation provides students the opportunity to reflect and supervisors to read the reflections and provide their own feedback. Utilize mid-semester with students for highest impact.