Employers are looking for tech-savvy applicants with great “soft skills” – like adaptability, creativity, and leadership. Learn how programs and courses in the BIT department bring tech skills and soft skills together to help you plan for a brighter future. Start with a single course or a microcredential and build into a certificate in Office Technology, Social Media, or Website Development and Management. Continue to grow your skill set with an AAS in Business Information Management or Web Development and Management.
Looking further ahead? Find out about our 2+2 transfer articulation agreements with Bellevue University for a BS in Web Development or a BS in Business Analytics.
The BIT department faculty are leaders in teaching digital literacy and technology in programs and courses to produce, create, and share. Learn how you can translate the skills you build through BIT to make yourself more valuable to your employer or catch the attention of a new one.
Please fill out the following form if you are interested in our programs.