Dress for success! A critical component of presenting yourself professionally is dressing the part! This applies throughout the interview process, but also when you begin work in your new role. You want to ensure you are viewed as a professional.
Choose business formal for interviews, whether you’re applying for an internship or a full- or part-time position. Even if the job you’re applying for doesn’t require dressing up, you should present yourself well at an interview. When in doubt, opt to dress up versus dress down.
If you don’t have an interview outfit, visit the Hornet Hope Center on campus for free interview/work clothes you can keep!
- Clothing should be clean and wrinkle-free.
- Opt for solid colors or understated prints. When in doubt, black or navy are good choices.
- Socks should match your outfit.
- Shoes should be clean. If you don’t often wear high heels, don’t debut them at an interview – choose shoes at a height you’re comfortable with. No sneakers, Crocs, flip-flops, or heavy boots.
- If you’re choosing a skirt or dress, opt for a length at or below the knee.
- Belt and shoes should match and should coordinate with your other clothing.
- Keep makeup and jewelry at a minimum.
- Be sure your hairstyle makes your face visible
- If you’re wearing a tie, choose a solid or understated print. Tie it correctly: