If you experience, or become aware of an instance, of sex or gender based discrimination, you may report it to the Title IX Coordinator by using the Report an Incident button below, or contacting the Title IX Coordinator.
Report an Incident | Title IX Coordinator Dr. Scott Kane Associate Vice President and Dean of Students Office: Science Building 226 Phone: 607-778-5009 Email: kanes1@sunybroome.edu |
Reporting Options
Any student wishing to speak with a SUNY Broome Community College employee about sexual violence should be aware of differences between Confidential and Private reporting options.
“Confidentiality” shall be to the ability of identified confidential resources to not report crimes and violations to law enforcement or college officials without permission, except for extreme circumstances, such as a health and/or safety emergency or child abuse. A limited number of employees are able to serve as confidential report takers. Those available to take Confidential reports are listed within the Sexual Violence Response Policy.
“Privacy” shall be SUNY Broome Community College offices and employees who cannot guarantee confidentiality but will maintain privacy to the greatest extent possible, and information disclosed will be relayed only as necessary to investigate and/or seek a resolution and to notify the Title IX Coordinator or designee, who is responsible for tracking patterns and spotting systemic issues. Most SUNY Broome employees are required to report known incidents of sexual assault, or other crimes. They will not share the private information beyond what is required or needed to comply with law and policy. If you disclose an incident to a SUNY Broome Community College employee who is responsible for responding to or reporting sexual violence or sexual harassment, but wish to maintain confidentiality, or do not consent to the institution’s request to initiate an investigation, the Title IX Coordinator must weigh your request against our obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all members of our community, including you.
Reporting Resources
SUNY Broome Community College has many resources available on campus that will provide a supportive environment for students to address various concerns and receive assistance. All offices listed below can provide students with information about available resources, located on and off campus, and available reporting options. Students at SUNY Broome Community College will be treated with respect and dignity in each and every office. Students may access the offices listed below by visiting the office in person, by phone or by email during traditional business hours. The SUNY Broome Community College Office of Public Safety and off campus resources listed are available 24 hours, 7 days a week. It is important to note that email is not guaranteed to be confidential.
Confidential Resources Available On Campus | ||||
Confidential: Information remains with the student and the source. Source is not obligated to report to the Title IX Coordinator or anyone else unless there is imminent concern for safety. | ||||
Counseling Services | Provide confidential individual and group counseling and outreach. Follow-up counseling is offered and referrals to campus or community resources are made as needed. www.sunybroome.edu/counseling
Hours of Operation Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm* *Office May Be Closed During Break Periods
Phone: 607-778-5210
Location: Science Building, Room 102 |
Health Services | Provide supportive, confidential medical care. Will provide referrals to other physicians, specialists, and community health agencies. www.sunybroome.edu/healthservices
Hours of Operation Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm* *Office May Be Closed During Break Periods |
Phone: 607-778-5181
Location: Science Building, Room 102 |
Confidential Resources Available Off Campus | ||||
Crime Victims Assistance Center (CVAC) | Provide free counseling to individuals affected by a crime, 24 hour crisis line and advocacy services. www.cvac.us | 24 hour Hotline: 607-722-4256 Text Line: 607-725-8196 Location: 377 Robinson Street Binghamton, NY |
Rise, formerly known as the SOS Shelter | Assist individuals and families who experience, or are threatened with, domestic violence.
Shelter and supportive services available to women and their children. rise-ny.org/ |
24 hour Hotline: 607-754-4340 Email: Info@Rise-Ny.Org Location: Endicott, NY |
Local Hospitals & Crisis Center | Lourdes Hospital: 607-795-5231
Crisis Center: 607-762-2302 and 607-762-2458 |
Wilson Hospital: 607-763-6611
Binghamton General Hospital: 607-762-2231 |
State and National 24 hour Crisis Lines & Online Resources | RAINN –Sexual Violence Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673) and www.rainn.org/get-help
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-942-6906 www.thehotline.org Trevor Lifeline Project (LGBTQ): 866-488-7386 and www.thetrevorproject.org |
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-TALK (8255) and
link: 988lifeline.org/ www.ny.gov/programs/enough-enough-make-all-new-york-college-campuses-safe |
Private Resources Available On Campus | ||
Private: Source may be obligated to report known names and facts to the Title IX Coordinator. The College may take action. | ||
Office of Public Safety | Provide police services 24/7 – emergency and non- emergency and link to other resources. Public Safety is available to meet with students where they are most comfortable. www.sunybroome.edu/publicsafety | Emergency: 911 Non-emergency: 607-778-5083 Contact: Marie Finelli Title: Deputy Title IX Coordinator Location: Public Safety Annex |
Title IX Coordinator | Provides support and resource options to students while delivering programs and services designed to enhance student success. Coordinates SUNY Broome Community College Title IX training efforts. www2.sunybroome.edu/titleix | Contact: Dr. Scott Kane Title: Title IX Coordinator Phone: 607-778-5009 Email: kanes1@sunybroome.edu Location: Science Building 226 |
Deputy Title IX Coordinator | Assists with ensuring SUNY Broome Community College compliance to Title IX; that the college addresses and prevents sexual violence, retaliation, and promotes an environment safe for learning and living. www2.sunybroome.edu/titleix | Contact: Paige Sedlacek Title: Affirmative Action Officer / Deputy Title IX Coordinator Phone: 607-778-5213 Email: sedlacekpm@sunybroome.edu Location: Human Resource,Wales Building Room 103 |
Deputy Title IX Coordinator | Assists with ensuring SUNY Broome Community College compliance to Title IX; that the college addresses and prevents sexual violence, retaliation, and promotes an environment safe for learning and living. www2.sunybroome.edu/titleix |
Contact: Marie Finelli Title: Deputy Title IX Coordinator Phone: 607-778-5180 Email: finellime@sunybroome.edu Location: Public Safety Annex |
Housing | Provide information about available resources and supports and may assist residential students with contacting Public Safety, if the student chooses. Staff is obligated to inform their supervisor that a report was made. Assists in coordinating support for residential students. www2.sunybroome.edu/housing/ | Contact: Evan Bigam Title: Director of Housing & Residential Life / Deputy Title IX Coordinator Phone: 607-778-5676 Email: bigame@sunybroome.edu Location: Student Village, SV102 |
Student Rights & Responsibilities Coordinator | Provides support and resource options to students while delivering programs and services designed to enhance student success. www2.sunybroome.edu/dos/student-conduct/ | Contact: Jarrell “Jay” Harrison Title: Student Rights & Responsibilities Coordinator Phone: 607-778-5544 Email: harrisonjr1@sunybroome.edu Location: Science Building rm 226 |
How To Anonymously Report | |
Online Incident Report | www2.sunybroome.edu/titleix |
By Phone | Call one of the staff members listed above, and do not provide your name. |
Where To Direct People For More Information | |
Employee Information Handbook | Available on mycollege.sunybroome.edu under the Employee tab |
Title IX Website | www2.sunybroome.edu/titleix |
Policy and Procedures Manual | www.sunybroome.edu