Working together successfully means that all members of SUNY Broome’s shared governance structure understand not only their own roles and responsibilities, but also the roles and responsibilities of others.
College Senate and Faculty Senate play integral roles in ensuring communication across campus. While individual governing bodies have a specific jurisdiction (academic, daily college functions/operational, or student issues), there is need for significant interfacing and collaboration among the various governing bodies involving exchange of information and cooperative decision making. Although all the governing bodies within shared governance (Student Assembly (SA), Faculty Senate (FS) and College Senate (CS)) have jurisdiction over particular matters, each of their respective activities impact other areas of the college. Consequently, these governing bodies have a compelling need to consult with, and be accountable to, each other as well as to the Administration, Board of Trustees, and the campus community at-large.
The communication process ensures that there is a mechanism in place to capture the voices of various constituencies and stakeholders and also provide for a continuous feedback loop to communicate progress on college initiatives.