Power Outage
- For all utility emergencies, notify Campus Operations and Public Safety.
- Evacuate building if fire alarm sounds and/or directed by Public Safety.
- Fume hoods do not operate during a power outage. Do not use laboratories until the ventilation is properly restored. Laboratory personnel should secure experiments or activities that may present a danger when the electrical power is off or when it is restored unexpectedly. Close sashes on fume hoods and clean up or put away chemicals. Do not perform procedures until power is restored.
Flooding or Water Break
- If flooding occurs, stop using all electrical devices.
- Notify Public Safety and evacuate the area or building.
Gas Leak
- Cease all operations immediately and evacuate the area as soon as possible, notifying others as you leave.
- Do not switch lights on or off.
- When you are a safe distance away from the leak, call Public Safety.
- DO NOT re-enter building until cleared told do so by Public Safety.
Elevator failure
- If you are trapped, use the emergency phone in the elevator and/or push the alarm button.
- If you have a cellular telephone, call Public Safety. Remain calm and wait for help to arrive.
- If you discover trapped people, notify Public Safety, talk to the trapped people and try to keep them calm until an officer or other help arrives.
Water line / sewer failure
- Notify Public Safety immediately. Advise them of the severity and location of the problem.
- Stop using all electrical equipment.
- If the source of the water is known and you can stop it safely, (i.e. unclog the drain, turn off the water), do so cautiously.
- If safe to do so, protect objects from water damage by removing them from the area.
- If directed to evacuate, follow building evacuation procedures.