Most compositions use approximately 60% black and 40% white. It is appropriate to use SUNY Broome Gold as an accent color in small portions. In addition to the SUNY Broome primary colors and white, it is appropriate to use red, teal and grey.
Primary College Colors
Black | |
Pantone: | Black |
CMYK: | 0, 0, 0, 100 |
RGB: | 0, 0, 0 |
HEX: | #000000 |
Gold | |
Pantone: | PMS 124 |
CMYK: | 0, 27, 100, 6 |
RGB: | 238, 179, 16 |
HEX: | #EEB310 |
Secondary College Colors
Red | |
Pantone: | PMS 032 |
CMYK: | 0, 91, 87, 0 |
RGB: | 239, 62, 51 |
HEX: | #EF3E33 |
Gray | |
Pantone: | 30% Black |
CMYK: | 0, 0, 0, 30 |
RGB: | 188, 190, 192 |
HEX: | #BCBEC0 |
Teal | |
Pantone: | – |
CMYK: | 79, 40, 34, 6 |
RGB: | 57, 123, 143 |
HEX: | #397B8F |