Assistive technology can assist students to become more successful in college. The goal of the ARO is to work with students to provide the various technologies and the training to apply them successfully. We are also available to work with faculty to make them aware of learning options and to support implementation in the classroom. Our hope is that students will take these tools and the skills they have developed with them in all their future endeavors.
Available Hardware and Software
Read & Write Gold: Software that allows students to have their alternate text textbooks, in-class handouts (you might have to have them scanned), and web content read aloud. This is available campus-wide and it is available for personal use free of charge. This is a great program to use if you struggle with reading difficult text.
Dragon Naturally Speaking: Voice recognition software that lets you talk to your computer using a microphone. As you speak, your words appear on the computer screen.
Smartpens: The Echo Smartpen is a “pen-like” device that uses a special notebook that allows it to digitize handwriting while it records everything that is being spoken. Students can upload the notes from the pen to the Livescribe desktop software. This allows the audio to be played back with just a touch of the pen tip.
Helpful for students with Visual Disabilities
Zoom Text: This is a magnification and screen reading software program for the visually impaired. ZoomText can help people who need text enlarged on computer screens. It is located in L207 of the Library building and on several computers in the ARO.
Optelec Enlarger: This device allows visually impaired individuals to enlarge reading materials. It has an adjustable platform to hold a book, handout or other item. The device enlarges the text and displays it. It is located in L207 of the Library Building
If any of these services seem to be something that may help you as a student, please contact:
John Covert – 607-778-5678
Frances Gill – 607-778-5150.
Links to Video Tutorials:
Read & Write Gold for Windows:
- Screenshot Reader: How to read an article using the screenshot reader.
- Scan: How to scan documents using Read & Write.
Read & Write Gold for Mac:
- Speech: How to make Read & Write read for you.
- Screenshot Reader: How to read an article using the screenshot reader.
- PDF Reader: How to have a PDF file read to you.
- Daisy Reader: How to have a Daisy file read to you.
- Scan: How to scan documents using Read & Write.
Livescribe Echo Smartpen:
Dragon Naturally Speaking 13: