What is the SUNY Broome Fast Forward Program?
SUNY Broome Fast Forward is a program that makes it possible for you to take college-level courses at your high school. This allows you to be better prepared for the transition from high school to college, and earn college credits that can be transferred to many colleges and universities in New York and throughout the country. The courses are offered by the high school, delivered at the high school site as part of the normal school day, and are taught by qualified high school instructors in cooperation with college mentors.
SUNY Broome is on a fall/spring semester schedule. The majority of Fast Forward classes are offered in either the fall or spring semester. The fall semester begins in September/October and the spring semester begins in January/February. Fast Forward also offers some full year courses covering both semesters.
NACEP Accreditation
The SUNY Broome Fast Forward program is fully accredited by NACEP – National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships. SUNY Broome is one of the few U.S. colleges to have attained this prestigious designation. As such, you can be assured that Fast Forward meets the highest quality standards.
What are the benefits?
Every SUNY Broome Fast Forward student has all of the privileges and responsibilities of a part-time student at SUNY Broome. You can obtain a SUNY Broome ID card which will give you access to the libraries at SUNY Broome Community College and Binghamton University, to SUNY Broome sporting events, as well as discounts at local stores. Taking certain courses now will also give you a head start on general course requirements when you enroll in college after high school.
You will be given a SUNY Broome ID number (B#) and access to MyCollege – SUNY Broome’s student web portal, which will be your doorway to real-time student information. With MyCollege, you can check your schedule, order transcripts, and learn about campus events.
Please see the Fast Forward Student Handbook to learn more about the program and your student rights/responsibilities.
What is the cost?
The cost to SUNY Broome Fast Forward students is $0. Depending on your course, there may be additional costs for textbooks and materials, but this would be determined by the high school.
How many credits can I take?
You may take advantage of any and all Fast Forward courses you and your school counselor deem appropriate. There are pre-requisites to many college courses which you will need to meet in order to enroll. If you wish to come to campus to take courses, please visit www.sunybroome.edu/earlycollege.
Can I change my mind about Fast Forward courses?
If you wish to consider formally withdrawing from a Fast Forward course, there are important dates to consider. Please take note of these dates/official drop policy and complete the SUNY Broome Drop/Add Form, all included in this folder. Failure to properly withdraw from a course will result in the student receiving the grade he/she/they earned in the course. Students who no longer attend class, quit school, or move out of the school district also need to be withdrawn from their Fast Forward classes. Withdrawing from a course may affect a student’s future Satisfactory Academic Progress at SUNY Broome.
See the current Drop Dates.
Will other colleges accept the course credits I earn in Fast Forward classes at my high school?
Typically, students who have earned at least a grade of a “C” or better have successfully transferred credit to a number of schools. Although most colleges and universities do accept these credits, it is in your own best interest to contact your choice of schools to discuss any concurrent enrollment classes that you are interested in, prior to taking the course(s).
To start the transfer process, request a transcript from the SUNY Broome Registrar’s office, through your MyCollege account, or see the Transcripts page.
What is a transcript?
A transcript is a written record of your grades. Once you are enrolled in a Fast Forward course, an official college transcript will be generated, and every course grade that you earn will be recorded. Your transcript will be updated at the completion of every semester. If you enroll at SUNY Broome after high school, your Fast Forward course grades will be configured into your GPA. If you enroll at a different college, credit may be transferable, but grades are not.
How do I get started?
For students: Contact your guidance counselor or principal to find out how you can join the 2000+ students around the area already getting a head start on their college education through the SUNY Broome Fast Forward program.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are a high school or a home-schooled student wishing to take SUNY Broome courses on campus, please visit the Early College web-page for more information.