Take college-level courses, and earn college credit at your high school. This allows you to be better prepared for the transition from high school to college, and earn college credits that can be transferred to many colleges and universities in New York State and throughout the country. The Fast Forward courses are offered by your high school and are delivered at your high school site as part of the normal school day. Your high school Fast Forward instructor has been approved by SUNY Broome and is working in cooperation with a SUNY Broome professor.
Course registration will be completed at the high school, and facilitated by the Fast Forward Center.
Fast Forward Student Information Guide (pdf)
Student ID Cards
You can obtain a SUNY Broome ID card which will give you access to the SUNY Broome library, sporting events and discounts at local businesses. Registered students can obtain a student ID card in the Public Safety Building on Monday thru Thursday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm and Friday 8:30 am – 3:00 pm. Please call should you have questions at 607-778-5083.