SUNY Broome assigns sanctions to students found responsible for violations of the Code of Conduct with the aim of producing an educational outcome while also taking into consideration the well-being of the victim and the SUNY Broome community.
All sanctions are intended to deter future violations. The following sanctions may be imposed:
- Community Service – Community Service is a sanction which requires a student to perform unpaid work of benefit to the College community. Community Service provides an opportunity for the student to contribute positively to their community. The tasks support and supplement services existing on campus.
- Disciplinary Probation – An official action informing the student that the violation of any College regulation during the probationary period may result in suspension or expulsion. During this specified period, the student may be excluded from acting as a representative of, or participant in, any College co-curricular activity or program and may be restricted or denied the use of or participation in certain College facilities and/or activities.
- Educational Assignment – An educational assignment designed to assist the student in better understanding the overall impact of their decision may be required. Such assigned projects may include, but are not limited to, research papers, the creation of educational materials, or the planning and/or presentation of educational programs related to the policy infraction. Assigned projects may not include physical labor unless they are directly related to the violation and are not designed to cause humiliation or degradation to the student.
- Expulsion – Termination of student’s status at the College. The student is no longer welcome in the College community, and may be arrested for trespassing. Approval to return to campus should be given from the Dean of Students, or designee, as well as the Chief of Public Safety.
- Interim Suspension – Suspension from classes and the campus set for a period of time so that an Administrative Conduct Meeting, Conduct Hearing Board, or an appeal process may be completed to determine the finding(s) of responsible or not responsible. Students who are interim suspended may not return to the campus and may be arrested for trespassing. Students will receive written notification of the outcome. Approval to return to campus should be given from the Dean of Students, or designee, as well as the Chief of Public Safety.
- Judicial Educator – the student is required to complete an online module(s) on the Judicial Educator website. The student will be provided the name of the educational module(s) that they are assigned. The modules are designed to help students learn from their experience and to help them form better choices in the future. It will take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. The student must complete the module(s) no later than the assigned due date, and provide documentation of its completion to their Student Conduct Administrator.
- Loss of Privilege – Any privilege offered to the student may be suspended or revoked, such as hosting visitors in housing, being a guest or visitor in housing, attending functions, or borrowing campus/hall equipment, participating in open gym, etc.
- Referral – A student may be referred to any College/community resource deemed necessary for the assistance of the student.
- Residential Life / Student Village – the following sanctions are exclusive to the Student Village:
- Village Relocation – An official action moving a student from one room to another within the residence hall. Students relocated to another room may be restricted from entering a specified room, apartment, or floor.
- Village Probation – This sanction informs students that the standards necessary for community living have been seriously violated, and that future violations of College policy may result in Village suspension, suspension, or expulsion from the College. This sanction may limit student participation in other College activities or programs, i.e. Resident Assistant.
- Village Interim Termination – Immediate removal from the residence hall set for a period of time so that an Administrative Conduct Meeting, a Conduct Hearing Board, or an appeal process may be completed to determine the finding(s) of responsible or not responsible. Students who are interim suspended from the residence hall may not return to the building or surrounding grounds as a guest and may be arrested for trespassing. Students will receive written notification of the outcome, including their standing in the residence hall and that of their housing agreement. Approval to return to the residence hall should be given from the Director of Housing & Residential Life, or designee, as well as the Chief of Public Safety.
- Village Termination – Removal from the residence hall and termination of the student’s housing license. Students removed from the residence hall may not return to the hall or surrounding grounds for a specified period of time. Students found in violation of the terms of their Residence Hall Suspension may be arrested for trespassing. Approval to return to the residence hall should be given from the Director of Housing & Residential Life, or designee, as well as the Chief of Public Safety.
- Restitution – In all student conduct violations involving theft and/or damage to College/residence hall property, restitution may be required. The form and/or amount of this restitution are to be determined by the Student Conduct Administrator hearing the case, or the Hearing Board.
- Suspension – Suspension from classes and the campus set for a specified period of time. Students who are suspended may not return to the campus and may be arrested for trespassing. Approval to return to campus should be given from the Dean of Students, or designee, as well as the Chief of Public Safety.
- Verbal Warning – A verbal warning is an educational conversation to the student that they violated residence hall or College policy. This warning should include the nature of the violation and the consequences of further offense.
- Written Warning – A written statement to the student that further violations of the Student Code of Conduct will be followed by an escalated response in conduct action and sanctions by the College.
Once the sanctions have been assigned the student is responsible for completing all assigned sanctions or further action may be taken. Students who wish to appeal, should follow the appropriate appeal procedures. Suspended or expelled students are responsible for any financial obligation which may have been incurred as a result of the disciplinary sanction.