Looking to get involved?
The Campus Life Office at SUNY Broome is your home to find fun and exciting things to do at SUNY Broome. We have a wide array of clubs and organizations that are available to all students. From the Black Student Union and the Japanese Animation Club to the Art Club and Knitting Club, we have clubs for just about everyone. All of our clubs and organizations are housed in The Swarm. To check out what other students are already doing, or to start your own club, click on The Swarm logo to the right and log in.
The Campus Life Office is also the home for giant events such as Welcome Week, Giving of the Toys, and Spring Fling. In addition, we also bring comedians, hypnotists, artists, and musicians to campus. You may also see us creating small events around campus that can help you have fun and meet new people! If you are looking to get involved on campus or have ideas for things you would like to see, stop by the Campus Life Office in the Old Science Building, Room 107A. You can also call 607-778-5033 or drop an email to the Office of Campus Life – campuslife@sunybroome.