Alison M. Sheridan-Brennan

Department(s) / Office(s): Chemistry Department
Phone: 607-778-5176
Location: NSC-208
Mailstop: 87
Degrees: B.S., Le Moyne College; M.A.T., SUNY Cortland
Alison graduated from Le Moyne College in 2001 with her B.S. in Chemistry and from SUNY Cortland in 2004 with her M.A.T in Chemistry.
She taught high school Regents and AP Chemistry for 8 years before she began teaching at SUNY Broome in 2012. Alison absolutely loves teaching chemistry! She has taught lectures and/or laboratories for STM 105: Natural Science Seminar, CHM 127: Kitchen Chemistry, CHM 121: Forensic Science, CHM 120: Fundamental Chemistry, CHM 141 & 142: General, Organic, and Biochemistry I & II, and CHM 145 & 146: General Chemistry I & II.
Throughout her career, she was awarded the Distinguished Teaching Award (for High School), Distinguished Teaching Award (for College), and the Outreach Volunteer of the Year Award from the Binghamton Local Section of the American Chemical Society, along with the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
She has five beautiful children and enjoys their family vacations to theme parks.