Phyllis M. O’Donnell, Ph.D.

Department(s) / Office(s): Biology Department
Phone: 607-778-5669
Location: NSC-106
Mailstop: 80
Degrees: B.S., SUNY Stony Brook, MAT, Binghamton University, PhD, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Phyllis is a first-generation college student and has earned a B.S. in Medical Technology from SUNY Stony Brook University. She is a Board-certified Medical Technologist (ASCP), and she has worked in hospital and pharmaceutical company laboratories.
She has earned a Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology from SUNY Upstate Medical University and has conducted research at SUNY UMU and Binghamton University as a post-doctoral associate.
Phyllis has also earned a M.A.T. in Biology from SUNY Binghamton University and has enjoyed being a member of the Biology Department and the SUNY Broome family since 2011.