Melissa E. Glenn
Associate Professor

Department(s) / Office(s): Biology Department
Phone: 607-778-5390
Location: NSC-309
Mailstop: 80
Degrees: B.S., M.S., Penn State University
Professor Glenn attended Penn State University where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Bioscience with the highest distinction. She continued her education at Penn State, receiving a Master of Science degree in Physiology in 1998. Her thesis research focused on glycogen metabolism and endocrinology.
Melissa Glenn was involved in biomedical research as a Research Manager and Associate Researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from 1999 to 2005. After finding her passion as an educator, she taught biology at Lehigh Carbon Community College and Kutztown University, before joining the faculty at SUNY Broome in the fall of 2007. Her current academic interest is accessibility in distance education, particularly as it relates to Anatomy and Physiology.