Location: Decker Hall, Room 217
Phone: 607-778-5495
Fax: 607-778-5467
Website: https://www2.sunybroome.edu/healthsciences/clt-dept/
Faculty and Staff
Allstadt, Ruth H. - Adjunct Instructor
Alroobi, Shaymaa W. - Adjunct Instructor
Church, Carol E. - Adjunct Instructor
Cook, Amy M. - Adjunct Instructor
Faughnan, Kaitlin B. - Assistant Professor
Flatley, Chelsea R. - Adjunct Instructor
Hass, Kathleen M. - Adjunct Instructor
Krempel, Alistair - Adjunct Instructor
Lawson, Rebecca L. - Staff Associate / Adjunct Instructor
Lorman, Kathryn A. - Adjunct Instructor
O’Hara-Leslie, Erin K. - Associate Professor/Chairperson of Health Studies/Interim Chairperson of Clinical Laboratory Technology
O’Neill-LaGier, Brigid - Adjunct Instructor
Pignatelli, Karoline M. - Secretary
Roessner, Erik J. - Adjunct Instructor/Lab Technician
Wade, Andrea C. - Professor Emeritus / Program Director