Who We Are
CJESSA is a student-run association that gets involved in the community.
Our Mission
CJESSA’s mission is to make a positive impact on our community, on and off campus, by volunteering in various community events and donating to local charities.
What We Do
We participate in community service throughout the year. There are many volunteer opportunities, such as traffic marshalling for the local police departments at various 5K events and parades, food collection for local food banks, and toy collections for Toys for Tots.
What We Gain as Members of CJESSA
Helping others in the community and provides an opportunity to observe and assist various professionals in their everyday work environment.
Field Trips
CJESSA takes field trips to places related to our course of study – the field of criminal justice & emergency services. Our group has visited the National Law Enforcement Memorial, Five Points Correctional Facility, NYS Department of Homeland Security Training, Eastern State Penitentiary, and more.
How do you become a member?
Go to the SWARM site on the SUNY Broome website. Locate CJESSA and request to be a member. We meet every Tuesday from 11:00 am – 11:50 am in BB210. Join Us!
Faculty Advisor: Instructor Joseph Julian
Phone: 607-778-5620
Email: julianj@sunybroome.edu