Academic Advisor
Professional Academic Advisors who assist students with academic advising, selecting courses for each semester, academic planning, dropping and/or adding classes and planning for transfer.
Academic Plan
An outline that a student completes with an advisor to plan out degree requirements at Broome and expected date of completion of that degree.
A course that must be taken in the same semester with another course.
Trained helping professionals located in the Science Building, Room 102, who assist students in resolving issues that cause emotional distress and interfere with personal goals and academic success. All counseling is confidential.
Credits Attempted
The total number of credit hours for registered courses whether the course was passed, failed or dropped after the first five days of the semester.
Credits Completed
The total number of credit hours for courses a student has successfully completed with a passing grade or has transferred from another college.
The administrator who leads an Academic Division: Liberal Arts, Business and Public Services, Stem and Health Sciences. The Dean’s office assists students with a variety of needs including: an academic grievance, Petition for Academic Continuance and Medical Withdrawals.
Each of the college’s academic Divisions is organized into academic departments. A student’s “department” is defined by the degree the student is pursuing.
If a student does not pay their semester bill, that student will be dropped or “deregistered” from classes. Even if dropped from classes, a student may still incur some expenses with the college. If a student does not wish to attend college and is already registered, the student must officially drop the courses prior to the start of the semester as to not incur a bill.
General Education
The goal of General Education requirements at SUNY Broome Community College is to provide the necessary foundation to function effectively in a complex world. The General Education requirements at Broome is structured to enable students to meet the SUNY General Education Requirement required for all students seeking a four-year (Bachelor’s) degree. For more information, visit our General Education page.
Student matriculation is acceptance and enrollment into a degree-granting program. A student must be matriculated to receive financial aid or be awarded a degree. Students that miss a semester, excluding summer, must reapply through Admissions to regain their matriculated status.
Mid Term Grades
Grades of D, F, I and U are reported at the middle of the semester on My College to alert students of possible academic problems.
Non-Matriculated Student
A student who is enrolled in classes but has not been admitted to a specific degree program.
A course that must be completed before you can take the next course. Certain degree programs have prerequisite courses for admission.
The area of study which is the student’s primary area of concentration.
Rave Alert
All students must sign up for NYS Alert to be promptly notified of weather related delays or closings at Broome.
Transcript – Official
An official college document listing all courses taken and grades earned by a student. Students may request a transcript be sent to another school or employer. Requests must be in writing. Request forms are available online or in the Registrar’s Office in SS – 105.
Transcript – Unofficial
Students may print their “unofficial” academic transcript through My College under Student Records.
Transfer Credit
Courses that have been completed at another accredited institution may be accepted at Broome for “transfer credit.” Academic departments will determine whether previous college coursework is applicable to a student’s Broome degree. A minimum of twelve credits must be completed “in residence” in order to earn a Broome degree. Once processed, the transfer courses/credits will appear on the student’s transcript. To transfer credits taken at Broome to another college, go to the Registrar’s Office in SS 105 and complete a Transcript Request Form.
Additional Terms
For additional terms, please visit the Academic Information website located on the Website Catalog. The page will provide information on:
Standards for Academic Progress
- Academic Dismissal
- Grade Point Average
- Petition for Academic Continuance
- Dean’s List
- President’s List
- Probation
- “I” Grade
Degrees and Certificates
- AA Degree/Liberal Arts
- AOS Associate in Occupational Studies
- AS — Science Option (LAAS)
- AAS Degree
- AS Degree
- Certificates
Registration and Student Status
- Withdrawal: Full or Partial
- Withdrawal Grade
- Medical Withdrawals